You can try the Sloppy Mountain Medical Center team-building escape room game for free to see if it would be a good activity to host at your work-site or educational institution.

(1) Create a free account using the form below. That will give you a free 4-player and a free 3-player full-featured access codes that you can print from the Admin menu once you log-in to your account. You can also print a facilitators guide (highly recommended) and a team-brief document (needed to host the game) from there.

(2) Pull together a team of 3 or 4 players and have everyone bring laptops with internet accesses to the demo event.

(3) Play the "Player Tutorial" video from the sloppy mountain homepage for everyone to see. The Player Tutorial launches everyone into the game, so make sure you are all ready before starting it.

(4) If possible, launch the "Clues" video at the start of the game and let it play on a computer that everyone can see while the game is going on. The password to view the clues video is in the Facilitator Guide.

(5) After you finish the demo, refer to the Facilitator Guide to review some discussion and debrief questions for the group.

Click here to download a step-by-step guide for setting up your demo event

Create an account to get free demo codes and to purchase codes for your site.

Email Address
Create Password
Confirm Password

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